Dr. L Subramaniam Music Workshop – Confirm


if (isset($_POST[‘FirstName’]))
$FirstName = $_POST[‘FirstName’];

if (isset($_POST[‘LastName’]))
$LastName = $_POST[‘LastName’];

if (isset($_POST[‘Address1’]))
$Address1 = $_POST[‘Address1’];

if (isset($_POST[‘Address2’]))
$Address2 = $_POST[‘Address2’];

if (isset($_POST[‘City’]))
$City = $_POST[‘City’];

if (isset($_POST[‘State’]))
$State = $_POST[‘State’];

if (isset($_POST[‘ZipCode’]))
$ZipCode = $_POST[‘ZipCode’];

if (isset($_POST[‘EmailID’]))
$EmailID = $_POST[‘EmailID’];

if (isset($_POST[‘PhoneNo’]))
$PhoneNo = $_POST[‘PhoneNo’];

if (isset($_POST[‘YrsExp’]))
$YrsExp = $_POST[‘YrsExp’];

if (isset($_POST[‘AboutYou’]))
$AboutYou = $_POST[‘AboutYou’];

if (isset($_POST[‘WorkshopType’]))
$WorkshopType = $_POST[‘WorkshopType’];

if (isset($_POST[‘RefName’]))
$RefName = $_POST[‘RefName’];

$WorkshopAdvanceTwo = 500;
$WorkshopAdvanceOne = 350;
$WorkshopProfessional = 750;
$WorkshopOneonOne = 1000;
$WorkshopFees = 1000;

$RegistrationFees = 150;
if ($WorkshopType == ‘Advance-1’)
$WorkshopFees = $WorkshopAdvanceOne;
if ($WorkshopType == ‘Advance-2’)
$WorkshopFees = $WorkshopAdvanceTwo;
if ($WorkshopType == ‘Professional’)
$WorkshopFees = $WorkshopProfessional;
if ($WorkshopType == ‘One2One’)
$WorkshopFees = $WorkshopOneonOne;

$DB_HOST = ‘localhost’;
$DB_USER = ‘artnbeat’;
$DB_PASS = ‘Remember1!’;
$DB_NAME = ‘artnbeat’;

global $wpdb;

try {
$newdb = new wpdb($DB_USER, $DB_PASS, $DB_NAME, $DB_HOST);
$newdb->insert (‘Workshop’, array(
‘WSName’ =>’Dr L Subramaniam Workshop 2018′,
‘FirstName’ => $FirstName,
‘LastName’ => $LastName,
‘Address1’ => $Address1,
‘Address2’ => $Address2,
‘City’ => $City,
‘State’ => $State,
‘ZipCode’ => $ZipCode,
‘EmailID’ => $EmailID,
‘PhoneNo’ => $PhoneNo,
‘AboutYou’ => $AboutYou,
‘WSType’ => $WorkshopType,
‘WSRefName’ => $RefName,
‘WSFees’ => $WorkshopFees + $RegistrationFees
} catch (Exception $e) { // Database Error
echo $e->getMessage();

  • Drums and Percussion, String (Violin / Viola), Wind
  • Indian rhythm, Taal, Harmony, Keys & Scales
  • Global Music
  • Western and Indian music
  • Raga and rhythms, cycles of various beats
  • Emphasize intonation, balance and tone quality
  • Acoustics for Music Theory
  • Slow and fast variations, Transposition
  • Improve performance.
One on One Workshop
Designed for your customized requirement and enhancing knowledge & skills. Also Rythm, Intro to Global Music, Beat variations, improvisation in Indian & western music, improvisation techniques, polyrhythms, raga (melodic forms), tala (rhythmic cycles).

Daily excercise during workshop & 1 Year of follow-up / feedback through SAPA.

  • Requirement:
    • Min 10 years of learning Exp.
    • Must have knowledge of Rythm, Notes, Major / Minor Scales.
    • Must be able to tune the instrument. Recognizing notes and chords just by hearing them.
  • Fees: $1500
Professional Workshop [ Group of 3 ]
Designed for professional performance. Step-by-step Notes, Scales, improvisation in Indian & western music, improvisation techniques, polyrhythms, composition, Raga, Taal, Rythm, various beats cycles. Work with Global Music, Transposition, Harmony.
Daily excercise during workshop & 1 Year of follow-up / feedback through SAPA.

  • Requirement:
    • Min 7 years of learning Exp.
    • Must have knowledge of Rythm, Notes, Major / Minor Scales.
    • Must be able to tune the instrument. Recognizing notes and chords just by hearing them.
    • Fees: $750
Advance II Workshop [ Group of 5 ]
Designed for enhancing Music & performance skills to further advance level. Also Raga and rhythms, cycles of various beats, Music Theory, various beats cycles, Emphasize intonation, Western and Indian music, Global Music, Improve your performance.
Daily excercise during workshop & 1 Year of follow-up / feedback through SAPA.

  • Requirement:
    • Min 5 years of learning Exp.
    • Must have knowledge of Rythm, Notes, Major / Minor Scales.
    • Must be able to tune the instrument. Recognizing notes and chords just by hearing them.
  • Fees: $500
Advance I Workshop [ Group of 5 ]
Designed for enhancing Music & performance skills to further advance level. Also Raga and rhythms, Music Theory, Emphasize intonation, Western and Indian music, Improve your performance.
Daily excercise during workshop & 1 Year of follow-up / feedback through SAPA.

  • Requirement:
    • Min 3 years of learning Exp.
    • Must have knowledge of Rythm, Notes, Major / Minor Scales.
    • Must be able to tune the instrument. Recognizing notes and chords just by hearing them.
  • Fees: $350
Personal Info
First Name: [insert_php] echo $FirstName; [/insert_php]
Last Name: [insert_php] echo $LastName; [/insert_php]
Address: [insert_php] echo $Address1; [/insert_php]
  [insert_php] echo $Address2; [/insert_php]
City: [insert_php] echo $City; [/insert_php]
State / Zip: [insert_php] echo $State; [/insert_php] – [insert_php] echo $ZipCode; [/insert_php]
Email ID: [insert_php] echo $EmailID; [/insert_php]
Phone No: [insert_php] echo $PhoneNo; [/insert_php]
Professional Info
Years of Exp: [insert_php] echo $YrsExp; [/insert_php]
About Yourself: [insert_php] echo $AboutYou; [/insert_php]
Workshop Info
Workshop Type: [insert_php] echo $WorkshopType; [/insert_php]
Teacher / Ref: [insert_php] echo $RefName; [/insert_php]
Terms & Conditions: Agreed on Terms & Conditions
Terms & Conditions:
Acceptance into specific group is based on evaluation by SAPA (Subramaniam Academy of Performing Arts. Online Registration doesn’t confirm final acceptance for the workshop. In case, candidate is not accepted for Workshop, Workshop / Registration fees will be refunded. Workshop Fees include all four days workshop (45 Min / Day) plus group Recital & Certificate. If you are registering for the first time, please send a sample MP3 to contact@artnbeat.com after successfull registration.
pay through Paypal